1. astsa::BCJ
    Daily Returns of Three Banks
  2. astsa::EBV
    Entire Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Nucleotide Sequence
  3. astsa::ENSO
    El Nino - Southern Oscillation Index
  4. astsa::EQ5
    Seismic Trace of Earthquake number 5
  5. astsa::EQcount
    Earthquake Counts
  6. astsa::EXP6
    Seismic Trace of Explosion number 6
  7. astsa::GDP
    Quarterly U.S. GDP - updated to 2023
  8. astsa::GNP
    Quarterly U.S. GNP - updated to 2023
  9. astsa::HCT
    Hematocrit Levels
  10. astsa::Hare
    Snowshoe Hare
  11. astsa::Lynx
    Canadian Lynx
  12. astsa::MEI
    Multivariate El Nino/Southern Oscillation Index (version 1)
  13. astsa::Months
    Month Labels
  14. astsa::PLT
    Platelet Levels
  15. astsa::USpop
    U.S. Population - 1900 to 2010
  16. astsa::UnempRate
    U.S. Unemployment Rate
  17. astsa::WBC
    White Blood Cell Levels
  18. astsa::ar1miss
    AR with Missing Values
  19. astsa::arf
    Simulated ARFIMA
  20. astsa::beamd
    Infrasonic Signal from a Nuclear Explosion
  21. astsa::birth
    U.S. Monthly Live Births
  22. astsa::blood
    Daily Blood Work with Missing Values
  23. astsa::bnrf1ebv
    Nucleotide sequence - BNRF1 Epstein-Barr
  24. astsa::bnrf1hvs
    Nucleotide sequence - BNRF1 of Herpesvirus saimiri
  25. astsa::cardox
    Monthly Carbon Dioxide Levels at Mauna Loa
  26. astsa::chicken
    Monthly price of a pound of chicken
  27. astsa::climhyd
    Lake Shasta inflow data
  28. astsa::cmort
    Cardiovascular Mortality from the LA Pollution study
  29. astsa::cpg
    Hard Drive Cost per GB
  30. astsa::djia
    Dow Jones Industrial Average
    xts|2518 x 5
  31. astsa::econ5
    Five Quarterly Economic Series
  32. astsa::eqexp
    Earthquake and Explosion Seismic Series
  33. astsa::flu
    Monthly pneumonia and influenza deaths in the U.S., 1968 to 1978.
  34. astsa::fmri
    fMRI - complete data set
  35. astsa::fmri1
    fMRI Data Used in Chapter 1
  36. astsa::gas
    Gas Prices
  37. astsa::gdp
    Quarterly U.S. GDP
  38. astsa::gnp
    Quarterly U.S. GNP
  39. astsa::gtemp.month
    Monthly global average surface temperatures by year
  40. astsa::gtemp_both
    Global mean land and open ocean temperature deviations, 1850-2023
  41. astsa::gtemp_land
    Global mean land temperature deviations, 1850-2023
  42. astsa::gtemp_ocean
    Global mean ocean temperature deviations, 1850-2023
  43. astsa::hor
    Hawaiian occupancy rates
  44. astsa::jj
    Johnson and Johnson Quarterly Earnings Per Share
  45. astsa::lap
    LA Pollution-Mortality Study
  46. astsa::lap.xts
    LA Pollution-Mortality Study: Sampled Daily
    xts|3652 x 11
  47. astsa::lead
    Leading Indicator
  48. astsa::nyse
    Returns of the New York Stock Exchange
  49. astsa::oil
    Crude oil, WTI spot price FOB
  50. astsa::part
    Particulate levels from the LA pollution study
  51. astsa::polio
    Poliomyelitis cases in US
  52. astsa::prodn
    Monthly Federal Reserve Board Production Index
  53. astsa::qinfl
    Quarterly Inflation
  54. astsa::qintr
    Quarterly Interest Rate
  55. astsa::rec
    Recruitment (number of new fish index)
  56. astsa::sales
  57. astsa::salmon
    Monthly export price of salmon
  58. astsa::salt
    Salt Profiles
  59. astsa::saltemp
    Temperature Profiles
  60. astsa::sleep1
    Sleep State and Movement Data - Group 1
  61. astsa::sleep2
    Sleep State and Movement Data - Group 2
  62. astsa::so2
    SO2 levels from the LA pollution study
  63. astsa::soi
    Southern Oscillation Index
  64. astsa::soiltemp
    Spatial Grid of Surface Soil Temperatures
  65. astsa::sp500.gr
    Returns of the S&P 500
  66. astsa::sp500w
    Weekly Growth Rate of the Standard and Poor's 500
    xts|509 x 1
  67. astsa::speech
    Speech Recording
  68. astsa::star
    Variable Star
  69. astsa::sunspotz
    Biannual Sunspot Numbers
  70. astsa::tempr
    Temperatures from the LA pollution study
  71. astsa::unemp
    U.S. Unemployment
  72. astsa::varve
    Annual Varve Series