Daily Returns of Three Banksastsa::EBV
Entire Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Nucleotide Sequenceastsa::ENSO
El Nino - Southern Oscillation Indexastsa::EQ5
Seismic Trace of Earthquake number 5astsa::EQcount
Earthquake Countsastsa::EXP6
Seismic Trace of Explosion number 6astsa::GDP
Quarterly U.S. GDP - updated to 2023astsa::GNP
Quarterly U.S. GNP - updated to 2023astsa::HCT
Hematocrit Levelsastsa::MEI
Multivariate El Nino/Southern Oscillation Index (version 1)astsa::Months
Month Labelsastsa::PLT
Platelet Levelsastsa::USpop
U.S. Population - 1900 to 2010astsa::UnempRate
U.S. Unemployment Rateastsa::WBC
White Blood Cell Levelsastsa::ar1miss
AR with Missing Valuesastsa::arf
Simulated ARFIMAastsa::beamd
Infrasonic Signal from a Nuclear Explosionastsa::birth
U.S. Monthly Live Birthsastsa::blood
Daily Blood Work with Missing Valuesastsa::bnrf1ebv
Nucleotide sequence - BNRF1 Epstein-Barrastsa::bnrf1hvs
Nucleotide sequence - BNRF1 of Herpesvirus saimiriastsa::cardox
Monthly Carbon Dioxide Levels at Mauna Loaastsa::chicken
Monthly price of a pound of chickenastsa::climhyd
Lake Shasta inflow dataastsa::cmort
Cardiovascular Mortality from the LA Pollution studyastsa::cpg
Hard Drive Cost per GBastsa::djia
Dow Jones Industrial Averageastsa::econ5
Five Quarterly Economic Seriesastsa::eqexp
Earthquake and Explosion Seismic Seriesastsa::flu
Monthly pneumonia and influenza deaths in the U.S., 1968 to 1978.astsa::fmri
fMRI - complete data setastsa::fmri1
fMRI Data Used in Chapter 1astsa::gdp
Quarterly U.S. GDPastsa::gnp
Quarterly U.S. GNPastsa::gtemp.month
Monthly global average surface temperatures by yearastsa::gtemp_both
Global mean land and open ocean temperature deviations, 1850-2023astsa::gtemp_land
Global mean land temperature deviations, 1850-2023astsa::gtemp_ocean
Global mean ocean temperature deviations, 1850-2023astsa::hor
Hawaiian occupancy ratesastsa::jj
Johnson and Johnson Quarterly Earnings Per Shareastsa::lap
LA Pollution-Mortality Studyastsa::lap.xts
LA Pollution-Mortality Study: Sampled Dailyastsa::lead
Leading Indicatorastsa::nyse
Returns of the New York Stock Exchangeastsa::oil
Crude oil, WTI spot price FOBastsa::part
Particulate levels from the LA pollution studyastsa::polio
Poliomyelitis cases in USastsa::prodn
Monthly Federal Reserve Board Production Indexastsa::qinfl
Quarterly Inflationastsa::qintr
Quarterly Interest Rateastsa::rec
Recruitment (number of new fish index)astsa::salmon
Monthly export price of salmonastsa::saltemp
Temperature Profilesastsa::sleep1
Sleep State and Movement Data - Group 1astsa::sleep2
Sleep State and Movement Data - Group 2astsa::so2
SO2 levels from the LA pollution studyastsa::soi
Southern Oscillation Indexastsa::soiltemp
Spatial Grid of Surface Soil
Returns of the S&P 500astsa::sp500w
Weekly Growth Rate of the Standard and Poor's 500astsa::speech
Speech Recordingastsa::sunspotz
Biannual Sunspot Numbersastsa::tempr
Temperatures from the LA pollution studyastsa::unemp
U.S. Unemploymentastsa::varve
Annual Varve Series